EMTP-RV 4.1 full cracked license

160.00 $

The simulation of power systems transients has never been so easy!

EMTP is the most complete and technically advanced software for simulation and analysis of power systems.

  • EMTP is the reference for the simulation of electromagnetic and electromechanical transients. It is known to be the fastest, the most accurate and the most numerically stable time-domain software in the industry.
  • Control systems and protections can be modelled in detail using the complete libraries of components.
  • EMTP has a powerful unbalanced multi-phase load-flow capable of solving very large scale transmission and distribution grids, cases with more than 300 000 buses can be solved.
  • EMTP has the most user-friendly graphical interface and load-flow, steady-state and time-domain simulations using the same grid data and within the same environment.
  • EMTP is completely scriptable. EVERYTHING that can be done by hand can be automated by scripts!
  • EMTP uses dynamic memory allocation and can simulate arbitrary topology networks without any user intervention: what you draw is what you simulate!


EMTP includes:

  • Advanced machine models and their controls (Exciters, Governors, Stabilizers),
  • Accurate line and cable models and parameter calculation routines reproducing travelling waves and frequency dependency,
  • Advanced transformer models which include magnetic core saturation and hysteresis,
  • Detailed PV, Wind park, FACTS and HVDC models,
  • The most detailed protection relay models in the market,
  • Extensive library of control devices and functions,
  • Frequency-scan analysis options.

New Renewable Energy Toolbox

This advanced Toolbox brings a variety of building blocks and tools for studying the integration of renewable energy sources into power systems.

The Type-III and Type-IV wind turbine models have been redesigned to improve automatic initialization and performance. A new  Harmonic model tab is now available. The Harmonic model equivalent provides fast means for frequency-scan, steady-state and time-domain simulations and for determining harmonic distortion levels.
New and sophisticated Photovoltaic  (PV) system models allow to study aggregated PV parks as well as individually connected arrays. A large manufacturer database is available and allows a single-click selection of PV module parameters. The Harmonic model option is also included for PVs.

Both detailed and average-value converter versions are available for PV and wind turbine models. All protection systems and standards are now fully customizable.

An advanced yet easy-to-use Scanning tool provides means for detecting and studying subsynchronous control interaction (SSCI) problems with inverter based systems. The scanning tool is generic and applicable to arbitrary network configurations with power-electronics control  systems. SSCI may occur, for example, between a Type-III wind turbine control system and the series-compensated transmission line to which the wind park is connected.  Not only the wind turbine control parameters, but also the wind park operating conditions can be varied to detect abnormal SSCI conditions.

New Library Power Electronics

This library provides several models and building blocks for commonly used converter systems. Various rectifier and converter models are provided in detailed and average-value versions. The detailed nonlinear IGBT model can be used to build accurate converter circuits. This library is establishing the basis for new developments to be released in upcoming versions.

Other improvements

1.    A new Transient Recover Voltage (TRV) circuit breaker option now allows to automatically calculate the cleared short-circuit current input field. The TRV analysis plots can now be visualized in a single-click.
2.     A new Fault device is now available in the Switches library. It is combined with the new Short-circuit ribbon to simplify various fault setting conditions at arbitrary nodes. It includes an Arc Reignition model and provides means for Random fault timings with the Statistical Options.
3.    A new “Sample in File” device allows to collect simulation results at arbitrary locations and save into user-defined files for various visualization purposes. A sample enabling pin can control the sampled intervals.
4.    The  new “AC voltage source and impedance” device provides various means for entering short-circuit powers and currents with X/R ratios.
5.    Several new Load-Flow and Steady-state phasor visualization options have been integrated to provide better messaging, data refreshing when navigating between subcircuits and reporting into Excel files. It is now possible to save all current phasors in addition to voltage phasors.
6.    The EMTP GUI has been upgraded with various new scripting options and methods.


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