AnzioWin 17.2a cracked version unlimited terminals

200.00 $

Robust, inexpensive terminal emulation for Windows

Anzio is a terminal emulator, supporting multiple terminal emulation types, along with basic passthrough printing. Anzio supports several methods of communications including over a direct serial line, over a modem, over the Internet or over a local area network. Anzio can act as a dumb terminal over serial or modem connections, as a Telnet client or as a Secure Shell (SSH) client over network connections, connecting your remote host to the local PC. With full screen, zoom, 132-column support and an easy to use interface, Anzio provides you with all the communications features you need for your Windows platform.

AnzioWin adds support for user-defined macros, scripting, FTP and Secure Shell FTP (SFTP) file transfers and includes an embedded version of our Print Wizard product to aid in the printing of special jobs such as forms overlays, labels, special paper sizes, rotated text, auto-fitting to the page, faxing, PDF generation and more.


What’s new in Anzio version 17

In addition to numerous bug fixes, optimizations, changes for compatibility, and so forth, this release brings some important enhancements for Anzio Lite, and numerous enhancements for AnzioWin. 

In both Anzio Lite and AnzioWin:

– IPv6 support.  We add support for this expanded Internet Protocol.  Requires no change to little change to operate, once your infrastructure allows IPv6.

– For multi touch screens, we offer sizing and moving the main Anzio Window.

– For large screens, we offer up to 1000 columns of text.

– For small screens, user can control sizing of tool buttons, etc. for easier touch.  Also a screen magnifier.

– For keyboard less units (Windows tablets, etc.) we can control on-screen keyboard position. Also, the Anzio window can slide around to keep the input area visible.

– For mobile users and others, wireless network connection awareness.

– It’s now easier to have Anzio remember and automate your login and password.

– Support for thumbnail of screen image in the toolbar of Windows Vista, 7 & 8.  With multiple sessions open, you can more easily pick and choose.

More in AnzioWin:

– Enhancement and easier setup of SSH backchannel printing.

– In various printing scenarios, automatic file type detection.

– Numerous improvements in the floating image window capability allow more uses of AnzioWin as a image-enabled application client. Images and documents in this viewer can be zoomed and panned by multi-touch or mouse.  A popup menu allows printing, opening the document externally, etc. There is support for video and also playlists, with multiple options. All operations can be scripted from the host.

– Support for location reporting in PC’s with GPS.

In AnzioWin’s Print Wizard feature set:

– Pan and zoom in the print preview window.

– View and print PDF files inside AnzioWin.

– Use almost any PDF as an overlay.

– Okidata, Epson, and IBM Microline printer emulation.

– Preview all kinds of print files, including images and PCL files.

– Adjust placement of overlay and main file before printing.

– Output smaller, more efficient PDF files.

– Email through Outlook now supports 2010 & 2013 versions.

– Masking – blocking certain areas from printing, prompt for inputs, etc.

– Sign a document on-screen, create a new output PDF, achieve paperless document signing.

– Includes virtually all core enhancements in freestanding Print Wizard product up through its version 4.1.


For the current version of Anzio we recommend Windows Server 2008 and later, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10 (32-bit or 64-bit). You should also be on the latest patch release for each operating system. Memory and disk requirements are the minimum required to run Windows.

Types of Communications

  • Telnet
  • SSH
  • Rlogin
  • Serial
  • Modem
  • PicLan


  • Authentication & encryption via SSH
  • Encryption of printing traffic via SSH
  • Block commands from host
  • Lockdown (see below)


  • Kiosk mode
  • Disable quit
  • Prevent saving settings
  • Single-instance
  • Menu deletions

International Support

  • Character sets for display
  • Displaying special and international characters
  • International character input
  • Menu and dialog languages
  • Printing international characters


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