160.00 $

The most powerful and accurate suite of commercially available grounding (earthing) and electromagnetic analysis software packages on the market. A complete array of auxiliary software tools are included in the CDEGS suite to complement, support and enhance the methods used to solve various problems involving grounding, electromagnetic interference, electromagnetic fields and transient phenomena that can be tackled by CDEGS.


CDEGS (Current Distribution, Electromagnetic Interference, Grounding and Soil Structure Analysis) is a powerful set of integrated software tools designed to accurately analyze a variety of electromagnetic related problems encountered in all industries involving electric networks.


A variety of advanced solvers provide adapted approaches to your problems

  • Direct solutions of Maxwell’s equations

Circuit-based analyses

Finite element methods

  • Inversion algorithms
  • Fast Fourier transforms and transient analysis

  • Hybrid methods
  • Stunning graphics


Includes all electromagnetic coupling modes

  • Conduction, through metallic elements, coatings and the earth itself
  • Magnetic induction
  • Capacitive effects


Modeling elements

  • Complex soil structures such as the multi-region, horizontally layered soil with an arbitrary number of layers and resistivities and single-regions consisting of cylindrical, hemispherical, hemispheroidal, inclined, vertical and horizontal layers. Finally, horizontal multilayer soils that can include embedded finite soil volumes with arbitrary resistivities are available to help you tackle the most challenging project.

  • Conductors and pipes, physical dimensions and electromagnetic properties
  • Metallic Plates

  • Coatings
  • Multi-component concentric cables and cables contained in an enclosure

  • Perfect “virtual” connections
  • Circuit components and Transformers
  • Arbitrary sources and signals including those emitted by remote sources such as solar magnetic storms


With CDEGS, you:

  • Avoid simplifying assumptions and model any system realistically
  • Compute currents flowing in arbitrary networks of conductors, and their associated electric fields, magnetic fields and scalar potentials
  • Take into account the electrical complexity of soil structures
  • Accurately calculate line parameters of arbitrary 3D networks
  • Determine realistic current distributions between all metallic paths connected to electric networks subjected to various fault scenarios

  • Accurately interpret soil resistivity measurements and Fall-of-Potential tests
  • Calculate potential distributions, electric and magnetic fields anywhere above or below ground

  • Evaluate GPR, touch and step voltages, coating stresses and leakage current densities
  • Design safe grounding systems complying with and surpassing the minimal requirements from IEEE 80, IEC 61936, IEC 62305 and many other standards, including your own
  • Study interactions between conductors, cables, GIS, GIL and plates
  • Mitigate interference problems efficiently
  • Protect installations, workers and the public against electromagnetic threats
  • Assess environmental impacts such as radio and audio noise caused by corona effects
  • Predict the performance of lightning protection systems using all known methods
  • Carry out parametric analyses and estimate the effect of uncertain or missing data using powerful automation tools


Typical studies

  • Grounding (earthing) designs for systems of any size in all kinds of environments
    • Conventional switching and GIS substations with or without transformers
    • Thermal, geothermal and nuclear power plants
    • Solar and wind farms
    • Hydroelectric complexes
    • HVDC stations with onshore and offshore electrodes
  • Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) problems.
    • Railways (standard or electrified)
    • Communication cables, fences and pipelines

  • Electromagnetic fields
    • Around a substation
    • Along and across a transmission line

  • AC (any frequency), DC, steady state, fault and transient conditions, e.g. lightning strikes and switching events, in the frequency or time domains
  • Lightning shielding systems

  • Various aspects of cathodic protection and anode bed analysis, with a global perspective


Core Modules

SES’s founder started the development of software in 1972, with the creation of the MALT computation module. Since then, sustained growth and refinement have led to the development of several other modules. At the heart of SES’s pioneering and renowned software packages are now eight powerful core computation modules:

Soil Resistivity Analysis
Simplified Fault Current Distribution Analysis
Low Frequency Grounding / Earthing Analysis
Frequency Domain Grounding / Earthing Analysis
Detailed Fault Current Distribution and EMI Analysis
Detailed Fault Current Distribution and EMI Analysis
Electromagnetic Fields Analysis
Automated Fast Fourier Transform Analysis


Software Tools

A host of software utilities provide additional functionalities that complement the core modules such as:

Input helpers



CDEGS Interface

Access the computation modules and software tools through the flexible focused CDEGS Interface.


A Package for Every Need

Select from an array of software packages that include various combinations of the computation modules and tools.

The main families of packages using the CDEGS interface are:

  • AutoGround/MultiGround: Low frequency grounding (earthing) analysis and design
  • MultiGroundZ: Frequency grounding, extended systems
  • MultiFields: Frequency domain and transient grounding, electromagnetic interference and electromagnetic field computations
  • MultiLines: Line parameters (line constants), circuit modeling

These packages come in many different flavors to provide cost-effective solutions (investments that pay for themselves by preventing overly conservative designs and unnecessary material and labor costs) adapted for problems ranging from simple grounding designs to the behavior of complex networks of aboveground and buried conductors energized by lightning or other transients. Refer to their respective pages for a detailed description of the differences and nuances between them.


CDEGS Package

Attack any problem with CDEGS, our flagship software package. This ALL IN ONE solution is the only package that features all eight-computation modules and all software utilities.

It also includes the AutoGroundDesign, AutoGrid Pro and Right-of-Way Pro software packages, which use alternative interfaces to specific combinations of the computation modules that automate specialized tasks in grounding design, grounding analysis and interference studies, respectively. Four additional specialized packages are also bundled in CDEGS, namely SESShield-3D, SESEnviroPlus, SESTLC and CorrCAD. CDEGS is the full suite of software packages SES provides. All future updates, enhancements and additions developed by SES are provided without extra charges to customers that are under our yearly software support.


Special Features

  • Import/Export DWG, DXF, KML and spreadsheet files.
  • Model in 3D with the powerful CAD editing and drawing tool, SESCAD.
  • Access a large database of conductor types.
  • Optimize your work time with automation recording, scripting and batch processing.
  • Benefit from unparalleled support services from the world’s leading experts.


Scientific and Experimental Validation

Extensive scientific validation of the software using field tests and comparisons with analytical or published research results has been conducted continuously since the foundation of SES in 1978. SES and other independent researchers conduct continuous validation of its software analytical solutions and algorithms. This validation is available in hundreds of technical papers published in the most peer-reviewed and reputed international journals. Visit SES’s website at this address for more information.

CDEGS: Establishing & Advancing the State of the Art

SES is an internationally recognized R&D pioneer and leader in the areas of power system grounding (earthing) and electromagnetic interference, including transient and lightning analysis. Its CDEGS suite of software packages is the state of the art in this field of expertise and an industry reference worldwide.

  • Numerous references to CDEGS are made directly in national and international standards and in prestigious, peer-reviewed scientific journals.
  • Google Scholar search of the word CDEGS reveals over 1,500 references. In fact, SES’s scientific personnel (with over 50 highly specialized and experienced engineers and scientists, 25 of whom have attained their Ph.D.) have made major contributions to IEEE Standards 80 and 81 (AC substation grounding design and testing) and assisted in updating NACE Standard 177-2007 (AC interference on pipelines). The standard IEEE 80-2013/Cor 1-2015 often refers to the work of Dr. Dawalibi, who is the Engineering and R&D Director, as well as founder, of SES and chief architect of the CDEGS software package; his work has indeed had an influence on various parts of the standard. Moreover, CDEGS and Right-of-Way Prohave officially become the recommended software for use in interference analyses as per the recent China national standard “Standard for AC interference mitigation of buried steel pipelines”.
  • All major electric utilities, whether located in North AmericaEuropeAustraliaIndia or China, have selected CDEGS as their software package and have requested its use by all consultants working on their projects.
  • SES offers a 3-level certification program and an ever-growing number of companies are requesting that studies be undertaken by CDEGS-certified personnel, as a mark of competency in this field.
  • CDEGS is used by academics worldwide to carry out challenging R&D work and in university training programs.


All of this makes CDEGS the world’s most-used and recognized electromagnetic software package for power system grounding and interference analysis. Whether you are confronted with a complex grounding design, EMF studies, electromagnetic compatibility and interference problems or a lightning or surge transient study, you can rely on CDEGS’s accurate, powerful and integrated software components for a realistic and optimized solution.



CDEGS: An All-In-One suite of software packages by the world leaders in power system grounding and interference analysis.

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CDEGS Software Price List: Single-User (PC) Version, Network (PC) Version


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