KLT Suite (WinATLAS, WinBatch, WinATLAS/TIN, WinATLAS/DSP, gpSpeedPack, ProjectOrtho, AirTrig, TERRAIN)

250.00 $

KLT Associates has been developing mapping and photogrammetric software since 1973.

In the early days, we wrote the firmware for the Automatic Table (“AT”) developed by Data Technology, Inc.  These “AT” tables replaced the old mechanical pantographs that were used to trace maps. The analog stereoplotters were fitted with “encoders” that turned the stereoplotter operator’s tracing motion into electrical signals.  These signals were then read by a microprocessor that controlled a large flat-bed, motor-driven drafting table with a pen fitted to the end of the arm.  Yes, that’s how maps were made 40 years ago.  The early Plotter Control Processor (“PCP”) could trace contours or draw point-to-point lines with a variety of solid/dashed/dotted line styles, as well as plot symbols and text at any desired scale.  Eventually, the Intelligent Plotter Controller (“IPC”) could also compute splined lines between digitized data points, and it could plot proportionally spaced “Leroy” lettering following straight or curved lines.

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As computer technology advanced, so did our software.  KLT developed the software for the MAPS200 product offered by Kern Instruments.  It included computer-assisted absolute orientation adjustment for those analog stereoplotters.  It could automatically plot a base grid on the AT table.  And MAPS200 could record a digital data file of the paper map the operator created.  For MAPS200, this was a text file that could be edited and then played back to plot a final map product.

When computer graphic terminals became available, we developed our first interactive data collection & editing product called MAPS300, which was also marketed exclusively by Kern Instruments.  MAPS300 became the standard mapping software offered with Kern’s DSR-1 analytical stereoplotter.

As demand for our software grew, we incorporated in 1982 as KLT Associates, Inc.  We renamed our interactive data collection & editing product to ATLAS, and expanded our marketing partnerships to include Wild and Zeiss, as well as Kern.  ATLAS was sold as “MAP-CE” by Wild, and later formed the basis for the X-MAP product offered by AvioSoft.  With greater access to the market, our product development goals became user-driven rather than vendor-dictated.  Over the next decade, our software was installed on most types of analog, analytical and softcopy stereoplotters, including Helava/LH Systems.

We introduced our own Digital Stereoplotter (“DSP”) at the 1994 ACSM/ASPRS Convention & Exhibition in Baltimore, Maryland, where it was voted best new product at the show.  At the time, our DSP ran on a PC under MS-DOS and matched the performance of the SUN and VAX workstation-based softcopy plotters.  Today, of course, all of our software runs under the current versions of Windows.


WinATLAS - 3D Map Data Collection & Editing

WinATLAS is our standard tool for digitizing and editing map data.  It forms the basis for our softcopy stereoplotter WinATLAS/DSP, and it supports online input from most analog and analytical stereoplotters, as well as a variety of digitizing tablets.  The program provides multiple ways to access the different collection modes and editors.  This makes it straightforward and intuitive for new users, and fast for experienced users.  It was designed as a double precision 3D tool for the making of maps.  It works in UTM, State Plane or assumed coordinates, and with either English or Metric units.  It is constantly evolving to take advantage of innovations in computer and imaging technology, as well as adding features needed by our clients to meet the needs of their clients.  And yet with all the evolution of technology you can stilll load and update files that were archived thirty years ago as if they were just saved yesterday.

The ease of using WinATLAS begins with loading and storing files.  If you wish to load multiple files into a single workspace, then you merely select multiple files from a list of those available in the Project directory and they are loaded.  If you have loaded files that you no longer need, you can unload them.  If you are working in a new area and want to tie to existing data, the program will automatically scan all the files in the target directory and load only those that adjoin the current workspace.  When you are edge matching, adjoining files can be loaded for Reference Only.  Since the import translators are built into WinATLAS, files from multiple platforms can be loaded into the same workspace.  In short, if you can use the operating system, you can load, merge, reference, tie, import, unload and store data files in WinATLAS.

Continuous, mixed-mode line capture allows you to digitize arcs,  fillets, straight line segments and splined curves all as part of the  same line.  When collecting a road edge, for example, you can collect the fillet at the corner, the curve in the middle, the straight segments in between, and the circular cul-de-sac at the end, all without changing modes, breaking the line, or pressing more than one button to collect the next data point.  In the example to the right, each colored circle represents a single push of a button, going counter-clockwise around the cul-de-sac.  The yellow circles represent points taken in straight line mode with the F1 button.  Points at red circles were digitized with the F5 button set to tangential arc with computed radius.  And the   blue circles represent points on arc digitized with the F3 button.

While editing or collecting data you can Find or Snap to existing points, vertices, lines, line intersections or line midpoints in either 2D or 3D mode with the press of a single button.  For example, you can snap one end of a driveway to the roofline of a house with a 2D Line Find, causing the XY coordinates of this endpoint of the driveway to intersect the roofline, while the Z coordinate remains on the ground as digitized.  And then snap the other end of the driveway to the street with a 3D Line Find, causing the XYZ coordinates of this endpoint to lie exactly on the street line.  WinATLAS can also insert an additional data point in the street line at the snap point.

When editing map data for final submission you can eliminate time spent looking for problems in data that is clean and ready to go.  Used in conjunction with WinBatch you can automatically find and mark a wide variety of problems that require interactive editing.  In WinATLAS you can zoom in close and drive from marker to marker with the push of a button, fixing the problems as you go.  You will always know how many problems remain to be fixed and, when you are finished, the data will be clean.  If a large map tile contains only two markers, you can fix those two problems and be done.  There is no need to painstakingly search for problems that do not exist.

WinBatch - Automated 3D Map Data Editing

WinBatch is a set of tools that allow you to automatically check, correct and enhance your mapping data.  Basically, you create and execute scripts that perform a set of functions on one or more of your map data files.  These scripts are created using an interactive menu, and then run in the background without any further user interaction.

For example, a WinBatch script was used in the graphic above to:

  • Load the existing data file
  • Hang & Clip driveways to roads and buildings
  • Hang & Clip sidewalks to buildings and driveways
  • Place Spot Heights on tops
  • Change contour lines in obscured areas from solid to dashed
  • Change symbol rotations from model to final map tile rotations
  • Erase inside buildings
  • Generate contour annotation on index contours
  • Erase contour lines under text
  • Store the edited data file under a new name

You can spend less time on manual data capture and editing, because WinBatch script files make it easy to check and standardize your vector data before exporting it to CAD or GIS systems.

Frequently used WinBatch functions include:

Data selection by

Line type
Symbol type
Feature layer
Non-graphic attribute

Change feature codes based on

Polygon boundary
Existing feature codes
Feature layer

Operations on line data

Thin out redundant data points
Join compound segments
Hang & Clip features
Single line types to parallel
Parallel line types to single
Adjust contours that cross water
Spline lines to arcs
Generate arc corners
Reverse order of data points
Building squaring
Expand multi-coded lines

Engineering data preparation

Resolve DTM grid
Generate cross-sections
Expand DTM to individual symbols
Map sheet preparation
Cut sheet / Sheet layout
Change map scale & rotation
Model ties
Contour annotation
Hatch or fill polygons
Area annotations
Erase inside polygons

Error checking & correction

Clear LIDAR points near breaklines
Delete duplicate data
Find and mark crossed lines
Check line elevations
Check symbol elevations
Find and mark dangling lines

Coordinate transformations

Simple origin shift
Helmert transformation
Affine transformation
Projective transformation
3D scale & rotate

CAD data preparation

Expand symbols to line strokes
Expand curves to line segments
Expand arcs to line segments

GIS data preparation

Generate nodes
Generate centroids
Attribute edit / review
Polygon maintenance

WinATLAS/TIN - Contour Generation

Our TIN option is fully integrated with our WinATLAS and WinATLAS/DSP products to give you interactive contour generation inside our standard map data collection & editing software for analog, analytical and softcopy stereoplotters.


  • Interactive build and edit
  • Interactive and static parameters
  • Triangle models from multiple sources
  • Threaded contour generation
  • Splined contour generation with applied filtering

Computed Volumetrics:

  • Differences between TINs
  • Differences between active TIN and static elevation
  • Volume reports

TIN Utilities:

  • Compress TIN
  • Contours to TIN
  • 2D CAD to 3D
  • Extract gridded DTMs
  • TIN exports to: DXF, DGN, Arc Shapefile, and DTM formats

WinTINViewer visualization tool:

  • 3D solids modeling
  • Generate fly throughs
  • Generate MPEG/AVI movies

WinATLAS/DSP - SoftCopy Stereoplotter

WinATLAS/DSP, or Digital StereoPlotter, is a full-featured, Windows-based, SoftCopy Photogrammetric Workstation built around our WinATLAS 3D map data collection and editing package. The software uses multi-threaded code to take advantage of today’s multi-processor CPUs.  It runs on standard, commercially available PC workstations under Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 8, but requires a stereo-ready multi-GPU graphics card like one of the NVIDIA® Quadro series.

Image viewing options include:

  • Stereomodels     •  Double models     •  Quad models
  • Orthos     •  Rasters     •  Photos
  • LIDAR (mono and stereo)     •  RADAR (mono and stereo)
  • Top View     •  Perspective View     •  Profile View
  • Microscope     •  Telescope     •  Multi Ray
  • Reference images, including cloud-based Google® Maps Satellite, Maps Oblique, Maps Road, Maps Terrain, Streetview and Earth 3D

Our real-time image processing includes:

  • Moving cursor, smooth auto panning or     •  Fixed cursor, smooth moving image
  • Continuous zoom and rotation     •  Brightness and contrast control
  • Auto panning from model to model     •  Epipolar correction on the fly
  • Hot-key to automatically put the dot on the ground using image correlation
    (really useful for training new stereo operators)

Image files can come from:

  • Scanned diapositives from film mapping cameras like the RC20, RMKTOP, etc.
  • Large-format digital frame cameras like the DMC and UltraCam
  • Medium-format digital frame cameras like DSS, NexVue and Rollei
  • Digital line scanner Level 0 data from ADS40, ADS80, 3DAS1
  • Satellite imagery such as IKONOS, Quickbird, SPOT5, NITF, etc.
  • Uncalibrated non-metric cameras

WinATLAS/DSP supports all available stereoviewing devices, including NuVision® and Planar® systems, as well as the lower-cost NVIDIA 3D Vision with a single stereo-capable LCD monitor.  3D motion-control hardware options include:

  • Traditional handwheels/footdisk/footpedals
  • 3D photogrammetric cursors like the Stealth S3-Z and SoftMouse 3D-USB
  • Even your workstation’s existing keyboard and mouse

gpSpeedPack - The power of a GPU with multiple CPUs

A KLT gpSpeedPack license enables our computation-intensive programs to take advantage of the Graphics Processing Unit (“GPU”) found on most of today’s graphics cards.  This GPU is composed of multiple CPUs that can perform independent calculations in parallel, at the same time.

For example, when computing orthophotos, for each (x,y,z) pixel in the orthophoto we need to calculate the corresponding source (x,y,z) pixel(s) in the original photo(s).  The 3D transformation from one reference system to another takes into account the omega/phi/kappa rotations, the scale difference and the (x,y,z) reference shifts:

Xnew = Mxx*Xold + Mxy*Yold + Mxz*Zold + Tx
Ynew = Myx*Xold + Myy*Yold + Myz*Zold + Ty
Znew = Mzx*Xold + Mzy*Yold + Mzz*Zold + Tz

An ordinary computer would be programmed to perform these 9 multiplications and 9 additions in serial, one after the other.  With a GPU, the 9 multiplications happen on 9 different CPUs in parallel, at the same time!  In fact, because most of the computation is off-loaded to the GPU, the main system CPUs can do a better job with image handling and filing.

In order to take advantage of parallel processing, each of our computation-intensive programs, like AIRTRIG and TERRAIN, had to be completely rewritten from scratch.  These are not simple updates to a program to accommodate a new camera, or a new image format.  They are new replacement products: gpAIRTRIG64 and gpTERRAIN64, etc.  And, yet, we are reluctant to ask our clients to purchase AIRTRIG or ORTHO software again.  Instead, we offer the new gpSpeedPack license, which works alongside your existing ORTHO, or AIRTRIG, or TERRAIN licenses, and entitles you to use the new gp64 products.

If you’re using our ORTHO, AIRTRIG, TERRAIN products on an x64 computer with an appropriate graphics card, and you want things to run 10 times faster, then you should try out our gpSpeedPack license.


ProjectOrtho provides an efficient, highly automated workflow for producing orthos, whether it be a single orthophoto or a county-wide orthomosaic.

KATS - KLT Aerial Triangulation System

Windows based measurement and adjustment:

  • Single integrated environment for measurement, adjustment and analysis
  • Handles large blocks, e.g. 2000 photos
  • Imagery and graphics superimposition
  • Multi-model manual stereo measurement, e.g. quad model
  • Drive-to functions from scheme measurement and ground control


  • Automatic Inner Orientation, no initial manual measurement required
  • Automatic Relative Orientation
  • Automatic Strip
  • Across Strip Block
  • Automatic AT that doesn’t require ab-GPS and IMU to launch
  • Automatic digital camera setup

AT Processes:

  • As an option to the user, ab-GPS and IMU can assist auto-AT
  • Handles DTM surface to assist auto-AT
  • Stereo tools to check auto-AT
  • Multi-ray handling:   unlimited in math model, 32 ray points in mono measurement tool
  • Choice of any 4 models viewed in stereo
  • Handles any strip/block/kappa arrangement
  • Uses ab-GPS and IMU, including shift/drift parameters
  • Processes IMU boresighting calibration flight or extra parameters
  • Works for camera calibration flights
  • Optional geodetic constraints such as lines/distances/angles
  • Handles close range blocks

Error Detection:

  • Various blunder detection schemes
  • Full error propagation
  • Various statistics on adjustment

Automatic AT of:

  • Scanned imagery from film mapping cameras like RC30, RC20, RMKTOP, Jena, etc.
  • Large format digital frame cameras such as ZI-DMC and UltraCam
  • Medium format digital cameras like DSS, NexVue and Rollei
  • Satellite physical models such as SPOT5, RPC, IKONOS, QuickBird
  • Non-metric uncalibrated cameras
  • Digital line scanner Level 0 such as ADS40, 3DAS1 and SI290

TERRAIN - Working with Huge Point Datasets

The KLT TERRAIN program can process DTMs with hundreds of millions of data points.  It is used for:

  • Displaying correlated or LIDAR digital surface models (DSMs)
  • Interpolating gridded DTMs and contours from huge point datasets
  • Cutting and sorting DTM files into new sheets
  • Extracting DSMs from aerial imagery by correlation
  • Classifying DSMs
  • Displaying point datasets in 3D perspective or profile views
  • Generating LIDAR stereograms for stereo handling of point datasets

DTM Point Data

With TERRAIN you can open one or multiple files of random mass points, raw LIDAR data, and/or gridded DTMs.  The files can be irregular spaced formats like:

  • LAS (a public file format for the interchange of LIDAR data)
  • KLT ATLAS (either native or by importing DXF, DGN, etc. files)

Or the data files can be regular spaced grid formats like:

  • NIMA DTED (*.DT?)
  • Japan GSI DEM (*.MEM)
  • ArcInfo ASCII grid interchange (from ASCIIGRID) (*.ASC/*.PRJ)
  • ArcInfo binary grid (HDR.ADF)
  • ESRI .HDR labeled BIL (*.HDR/*.BIL) (can be 8/16/32-bit integer and 32-bit floating point)
  • TIFF (can be 16-bit integer or 32-bit floating point, strip or tiled)



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