ICEM Surf 2021 cracked release

140.00 $

The latest release, ICEM Surf 2021, is generally available for customer ordering and delivery. ICEM Surf provides breakthrough technology enabling users to produce world-class aesthetic products in today’s competetive, global markets. Acknowledged as the premier system for the creation and development of Class-A surfaces, ICEM Surf bridges the demands of aesthetic designers and production engineers from visualization through to Tool and Die designers.



Designers, engineers and professionals requiring a curve and surface explicit geometry modeling tool for CAD models

About ICEM Surf

Often described as the reference system for the creation of Class-A surfaces, ICEM Surf is the industry-leading curve and surface explicit geometry modeling tool for defining, analyzing and performing high-end visualization of complex free-form shape CAD surface models to the highest quality. Used in product design processes throughout automotive, aerospace, consumer goods and press-tool design industries, providing solutions for direct surface modeling, refinement, reconstruction and scan modelling. Advanced tools such as Global modelling and industry-defined analysis tools enable designers to detect subtle surface problems and check for compliances with regulations, whilst simultaneously performing high precision surfacing and experiencing real-time 3D visualization. With the core module you can define complex free-form shapes of a desired aesthetical high end Class-A quality, create, modify and diagnose surfaces and existing designs.

More than 25 years of innovation for Class-A and design

Often described as the reference system for the creation of Class-A surfaces, ICEM Surf is the industry leading Curve and Surface explicit geometry modeling tool for defining, analyzing and performing high end visualization of complex free-form shape CAD surface models to the highest quality. Used in product design processes throughout automotive, aerospace, consumer goods  and press-tool design industries, providing solutions for direct surface modeling, refinement, reconstruction and scan modelling. Advanced tools such as Global modelling and industry defined analysis tools enable designers to detect subtle surface problems and check for compliances with regulations, whilst simultaneously performing high precision surfacing and experiencing real-time 3D visualization.

Did you know that we implemented over 300 new innovative features and enhancements since the release of ICEM Surf 4.8! Do you even know them all? Find out about our latest release.

With the core module you can define complex free-form shapes of a desired aesthetical high end Class-A quality, create, modify and diagnose surfaces and existing designs.

Supporting direct and dynamic modeling of free-form Curve & Surface models and working seamlessly together within a high end Real-Time rendering environment, ICEM Surf facilitates a designer’s expression and desire to achieve optimal surface quality in Class-A surfaces for component design. Utilizing an ergonomic and intuitive user interface that supports optimized modeling workflows accompanied by an array of customer defined functional capabilities that continue to support their ever changing demands.

In today’s demanding customer environments, connectivity and communication to their other software solutions is critical to ensure data integrity. ICEM Surf facilitates this demand with solutions to support both the direct exchange of CAD data through native formats as well as direct integration with other solutions and PLM environments.

In addition to the basic module, we offer advanced, analyses scan and real-time rendering modules to support all phases of your Class-A (strak) and design processes.

ICEM Surf 2021 continues to improve its core modeling capabilities and especially some ergonomics tools

ICEM Surf 2021 extends its Class-A solutions with 6 new commands and 21 new highlights across 4 products continuing to enhance the user experience and efficiency.

HMD Laser beam and Finalization higher frame rates enable significant ergonomic and productivity gains in daily workflows.

ICEM Surf 2021 improves its modeling tools and ergonomics

ICEM Surf 2021 provides the options to extrapolate the 2 surface supports within the Patch blend function. ICEM Surf 2021 has also concentrated its efforts to improve again ergonomics by providing new accelerators for displaying sections, scan data and more.
Also new capability to import/export Crown menu and keyboard shortcuts lists, to sort the lists…

Blend Surf Extrapolate

Sorting Lists

ICEM Surf 2021 improves its accelerated Data Loading workflow

ICEM Surf enhances more and more for improving workflows and data sharing capabilities among teams.
New Import CATIA V5 option was added to support Captures capabilities which mixes geometries hide/show, cameras and annotation texts for a better understanding from Engineering teams.

CATIA V5 PMI Captures

ICEM Surf PMI Captures

Background image variant and 8 K images in ICEM Surf 2021

Play with the new Background image variant tool in ICEM Surf 2021 allowing to prepare sets of images and then switch between them and compare different variants for your presentations.
As of ICEM Surf 2021, environment 8K images are supported in order to provide better realistic renders

Background image variant

8K Environment Images

ICEM Surf 2021 Safety Analysis – new User Interface

ICEM Surf 2021 provides a simplified User Interface integrating presets for standard regulations values. A new table gives the capability to switch between multiple check results with a same set of geometries. Lift inspection was added as well.

Selection was also improved by picking directly on measure points for a more reliable analysis.

Those above and more enhancements about display, data storage and calculation make ICEM Surf 2021 Safety Analysis a complete tool for better Experience.

For questions related to all the information outlined in this announcement letter or to receive a copy of ICEM Surf 2021 media, please contact your Dassault Systèmes ICEM Surf Sales representative who will be happy to assist you in assessing your options and in balancing your technical needs.


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