130.00 $

CAPE PACK is a simple and practical set of programs for solving package design and pallet loading problems. Within a few seconds of entering your data you can view a range of on-screen diagrams and reports so finding the right solution is easy.

Cape Software

  • CAPE
    • Pallet
    • Arrange
    • Design
  • Truckfill
  • Product – Case Studies
  • Personalised Training
  • Annual Support Service
  • Upgrades
  • Consultation


Products and Case Sizes
Find the best product size, case count, case size and pallet load. Pack in bundles or trays, shrink-wrap products, use realistic shapes and add surface graphics optimising the supply chain services from manufacturer to the supermarket door.
Pallet Patterns
Consolidate your case sizes. Using the program’s database enter existing case and tray sizes to find ways to pack existing products in less case sizes.
Fewer Case Sizes
Consolidate your case sizes. Using the program’s database enter existing case and tray sizes to find ways to pack existing products in less case sizes. In many cases manufacturers have far too big a variety of carton sizes and constructions, CAPE’s feature “Case Fill” tests all your products in the smallest range of cartons so as to allow you to benefit from longer runs and lower inventory levels.
Display Pallets
Create pallet loads containing different products for in-store display purposes and consumer shopability combining a variety of products into one cube ideally stacked for merchandising inside the store allows for the manufacturer to present the retailer with a combination pack of all products immediately ready to merchandise.
Efficient Corrugated Flat Packs
Starting with a flat blank or a made up case, use your own formulas to create flat glued cases (KDF’s). Find the best number per bundle, bundle size, number per pallet and per truck.
Case Strength Specifications
Calculate the compression strength of corrugated cases using standard or custom formulas.

   Cape Pack: palletizing software

Cape Pack is a modular suite of programs that help determine the best product size, case count, product arrangement, case size and pallet load. Cape Pack integrates very well with other CAD software, like ArtiosCAD. Cape Pack consists of three modules:

  • Pallet: improve pallet utilization and load stability
  • Arrange: work out optimum case sizes, better product arrangements in the case and get more product on a pallet
  • Design: design better size products so you can fit more in the case, on the store shelf, and get more product on a pallet

Saving costs with Cape software: a case study

The challenge: enable a global corrugated packaging supplier to optimize transportation and distribution costs for their customers’ packaging. The optimization also reduces fuel consumption and the emission of greenhouse gases.

Cape Truckfill is a truck and container loading software that helps you plan, create, edit, print and maintain multi-product load plans. Truckfill makes sure you don’t ship empty space or waste time manually calculating how many products can be loaded on your (sea) containers & trucks.

Enter the details for the products, pallet loads and container sizes into the appropriate database and Truckfill analyzes your particular order.

  • Optimize the loading of your products into trucks & containers
  • Use loading restrictions and priorities to pre-plan your load • Minimize the number of trucks & containers needed
  • Show your warehousing personnel how to load your containers.
  • Help support your warehouse management & resource planning systems.

Help your customer service determine price quotes.

  • Import pallet loads saved in Cape Pack

Build load plans for trucks and containers

Create the best truck or container loading plans for an order of different products. Store frequently used product information and container sizes in the database. Make data entry quicker and easier by selecting trucks and containers from the databases.

Use the 3D Editor to adjust the location of individual products within the load or start with an empty truck or container and manually create a custom load.


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