FARO PointSense 18.5 for Revit and AutoCAD cracked

145.00 $


The FARO PointSense industry solutions provide several intuitive tools for the management and processing of laser scan data within AutoCAD and Revit.


FARO PointSense products provide enhanced functionality for processing point cloud data allowing you a reliable and effective evaluation of hardware independent scanning and photogrammetry data within Autodesk’s CAD construction and planning tools such as AutoCAD or Revit.

PointSense programs support the data formats from all of the major laser scanner manufacturers and offer specific solutions for industries such as architecture, plant construction and heritage preservation. Because these powerful tools are used for a large number of different applications, FARO bundles all of the PointSense programs in one solution: the PointSense Suite.


FARO releases PointSense 18.5 offering extended BIM modeling tools in Revit, greater quality assurance and time saving in scan data extraction and analysis

For the First Time, New Laser Scanning Software Release Enables Modeling of Revit Structural Elements

FARO releases PointSense 18.5 offering extended BIM modeling tools in Revit, greater quality assurance and time saving in scan data extraction and analysis

Korntal-Muenchingen, Dec 5th, 2017, FARO (NASDAQ: FARO), the world’s most trusted source for 3D measurement and imaging solutions, announces FARO PointSense 18.5, the latest update providing enhanced tools for accelerating point cloud modeling for AEC professionals in AutoCAD and Revit. The new release provides users with new fitting and deformation analysis tools, improved software ergonomics and a more seamless workflow integration.

In PointSense for Revit 18.5 users can quickly and accurately fit structural elements, such as steel beams and columns, into the point cloud for the first time. Tailored components can be automatically preselected and inserted using intelligent algorithms with full user control of the process. In addition, the transfer of scan data from SCENE 7.1 to Revit works easier. A new SendToRevit App enables the seamless transfer of coordinates from the Scan View into PointSense for Revit. The detour via exporting and processing in VirtuSurv is no longer necessary.

„With the enhanced fitting functionality in PointSense for Revit the transfer of real building data into BIM models once again becomes more comprehensive for our customers“ comments Andreas Gerster, Vice President, Global Construction BIM-CIM. “The SCENE to PointSense for Revit interface organizes the workflow using FARO SCENE point cloud data even more efficiently. Whether modeling doors, walls, roofs, pipe runs or beams, the seamless transmitting of point cloud coordinates into the BIM software provides an instant value enhancement to our software users.“

New and enhanced deformation tools in PointSense for AutoCAD permit architects and engineers to analyze geometries against real world conditions even more accurately and with customization. The improved visualization of deviations according to tolerance standards provides stakeholders a documented quality assurance report for the delivery as well as the reception of 3D models.

Plant Engineers profit by a remarkable time saving when fitting steel beams (up to three times faster as in version 18.0), 3D solids or bent pipes into the point cloud. The overall efficiency for digitizing and modeling of complex plants and factory halls gets therefore significant increased



The PointSense Suite is a product bundle of FARO’s popular PointSense Plug-ins for AutoCAD® and Revit® , which accelerate the evaluation of laser scan data. It provides a complete set of powerful, industry specific point cloud processing tools under one licence. AEC professionals can utilize the PointSense Suite to perform intelligent feature extraction, for CAD design and scan to BIM as well as deformation analysis tools for QA/QC assessment.

As all of the software tools are stored under one licence the PointSense Suite offers convenient software use. The Suite includes all of the PointSense for AutoCAD® programs and PointSense for Revit, which gives you the best value for money software bundle, including all of the tools you need for the efficient evaluation of reality capturing data.



The FARO PointSense for Revit® software is designed for architects, engineers and general contractors who need to evaluate 3D laser scan data quickly and precisely directly inside Autodesk® Revit® to create intelligent BIM models. With customized functions for BIM model creation, alignment, editing and analysis you are able to comply with the complete workflow around the building lifecycle. PointSense permits a quick and intuitive workflow for the processing of even large point clouds and provides an excellent return of investment. You are able to efficiently model ground surfaces, walls, doors and windows, columns, beams and pillars, roofs or even pipe runs e.g. for use in MEP applications.

Combined with a FARO 3D Laser Scanner and FARO SCENE software, PointSense for Revit® forms the FARO BIM Ready Package for Revit® and the add-on is also part of the PointSense Suite.



PointSense Plant is designed for engineers and professionals specialized in maintaining industrial plants. The software allows the efficient modelling of piping systems and steel construction inside AutoCAD® based on 3D laser scan data. An auto-recognition feature based on editable catalogues identifies and pre-calculates industry standard components.

PointSense Plant provides tools for pattern recognition of plant assets from the point cloud data, giving designers the ability to work directly with their familiar AutoCAD® based plant design programs (AutoCAD Plant 3D®, MEP®, CADWorx®, AutoPLANT®, etc.). Users determine the precise tie-in points for the components without any modelling. A comprehensive tank analysis function is also provided. The resulting models can be exported to design programs such as AutoCAD® Plant 3D, Advance Steel® etc.

Combined with a FARO Focus laser scanner and FARO SCENE PointSense software, Plant forms the FARO Plant Ready Package for AutoCAD®. The AutoCAD® add-on is also part of the PointSense Suite.



The AutoCAD® add-on PointSense Building is designed for customers such as architects or facility managers who seek to efficiently generate architect compatible 2D plans from 3D point clouds, e.g. property planning and survey, interior fitting or special construction such as ship building.

PointSense Building extends AutoCAD® with tools such as an automatic polygon alignment for fast construction of 2D sections, specific drawing and dimensioning commands for building elements such as windows, doors, staircases, etc. or a database compatible area management.

PointSense Building is also part of the PointSense Suite.



PointSense Heritage for AutoCAD® is suitable for the documentation of historical monuments in conservation, historic building research and the recording of complex three-dimensional excavations in archaeology. Users generate significant and detailed rectified mosaics or derive 3D models from the laser scan data and photos. The integration of point clouds and photos accelerates the 3D modelling process. Stand-alone photogrammetric functions such as the calculation of true ortho photos are also included..

PointSense Heritage is part of the PointSense Suite.



PointSense Pro for AutoCAD® adds useful tools for modelling and analyzing 3D laser scan data in AutoCAD® and its associated products, such as Civil 3D, Architecture and Map 3D.
PointSense Pro is universally suitable for many different AutoCAD® workflows, such as inventory documentation in the preservation of monuments and historic buildings, in archaeological excavation documentation or construction supervision for Quality Analysis and Quality Control (QC/QA).

FARO PointSense Features

The PointSense Family, industry specific solutions for the efficient evaluation of 3D scan data

From the generic tools in AutoCAD® to industry specific workflows for plant, building, and heritage design, FARO provides with the PointSense product family end to end solutions for multiple fields.

In addition to the generic features, each PointSense add-on provides functions and methods tailored to the needs of the specific industry.

Users working across various industries, or using AutoCAD® as well as Revit®, can purchase all of the industry solutions under one licence by using the PointSense Suite.

With the FARO Plant Ready Package for AutoCAD® and the FARO BIM Ready Package for Revit®, FARO bundles their outstanding laser scanners with optimized evaluation software which provides you with a cost efficient field to finish solution.

PointSense Suite: The All-in-One Solution

The PointSense Suite bundles all of the well-known PointSense products for AutoCAD® and Revit® under one licence. The use of the PointSense Suite allows service providers to carry out 3D documentation tasks in every industry field of Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC).

The PointSense Suite contains

  • PointSense Basic and Pro
  • PointSense Building
  • PointSense Heritage
  • PointSense Plant
  • PointSense for Revit.

You will find additional Information under the button of each product.

PointSense for Revit<sup>®</sup>: Efficient processing of 3D laser scanner data in Revit<sup>®</sup>

PointSense for Revit®: Efficient processing of 3D laser scanner data in Revit®

PointSense permits a quick and intuitive workflow for processing large point clouds in Revit® and creates architectural models used in BIM.

Create 3D-models directly from Revit® Point Clouds

PointSense for Revit® features a wide range of 3D construction aids. Within the application, users can create 3D model lines and construction points using real 3D point snap, independently of Revit® work planes. Users can intersect model planes and thus find exact intersection lines and intersection points as well as create fitted work planes directly in the point clouds.

Compare the model with reality

Surface analysis enables the comparison between the point cloud and the Revit® model. The results can be visualized as a heat map and be exported as profile lines or to databases. From the profile lines complex ground surface models can be created along with complex model components.

Save time and money with automated functionality

With PointSense for Revit® walls, pipes and structural elements like beams and columns can be created very quickly and precisely. The wall types for different wall thicknesses are automatically detected and family types are created with the correct sizes. The wall alignment tool allows users to globally align, correct and fix extracted walls segments throughout an entire model additional functions such as including the automatic creation of deformed floor slabs based on floor irregularities as well as the creation of a ground surface (topo surface). Functions for modelling pipe runs and structural elements from scan data enhance Revit’s abilities for capturing as-builts for use in MEP applications.

Work with laser scanner data directly in the family editor

PointSense enables the use of the 3D laser scanner data directly in the Revit® family editor. Point cloud regions, planar scan views or true ortho-photos allows the simple and easy creation of object specific families for doors, windows, columns or pipe accessories.

Retain the overview, guaranteed

A section manager allows the cropping of point clouds inside Revit® independent of the current view and provides a better orientation due hierarchically organized point cloud sections. FARO SCENE users can use the Planar, Quick and 3D-View to work directly with PointSense tools in Revit®. This makes orientation easier, increases the precision of your processing and allow users to easily manage and navigate the scanner data.

PointSense Plant: Intelligent Plant Design from 3D scans in AutoCAD<sup>®</sup>

PointSense Plant: Intelligent Plant Design from 3D scans in AutoCAD®

PointSense Plant supports you when processing 3D laser scans. Piping systems or steel construction elements are efficiently modelled using semi-automatic feature extraction. The resulting models can be exported to plant planning programs such as AutoCAD Plant 3D®, AutoCAD MEP®, CADWorx®, AutoPLANT® etc. PointSense Plant has all the tried and tested tools to model, manage and process 3D scanner data in AutoCAD®.

Walk The Run – the intelligent pipe run tracer

Automation and pattern recognition are the basis for the efficient processing of 3D laser scanner data, however too much automation can lead to expensive mistakes. The “Walk The Run“ function guides the user through the pipe system, the pattern recognition feature suggests types and positions for recognized pipes, bends, tee-pieces and fittings, based on an existing catalogue. These procedures give the user full control over the modelling process and ensures geometrical and technical workmanship. In addition, the insulation thickness can be taken into account in pattern recognition. Pre-calculated cylinders accelerate this user-controlled workflow.

Apply Constraints – the way to compatible models

Plant design software requires coaxial centrelines for fittings and coplanar pipe bends. The function “Apply Constraints“ creates pipe runs that on the one hand fit in the point cloud and on the other hand satisfy the consistency conditions of the plant design software. In the same way Stacked Steel is supported, good axis configuration is found automatically, steel systems are aligned coplanar or perpendicular without overlapping and can be evaluated to “waterproof” axis models.

Fittings catalogues

FARO PointSense Plant provides a standard catalogue of fittings and steel. AutoCAD Plant 3D and Advanced Steel catalogues can be directly imported. In cases where the fittings are missing or special fittings (out of spec.) are needed, the user can create his own fittings or even full catalogues. The software then uses them in the pattern recognition process.

Determine tie in points

If precise tie-in points are required, they can be surveyed in and marked – without any modelling.

Additional Scan Views

The photo like view of the scan data that is provided by PointSense allows a more intuitive navigation than that in the CAD environment.

Export pipe centrelines and fitting information

After creating a piping system it can be converted into AutoCAD Plant 3D objects, 3D solids or a labelled centreline layout. The standard AutoCAD objects can be used afterwards in any plant software systems. The same applies to steel structures and the interaction with Advance Steel.

Analysis of cylinders and truncated cones – tank tools

Tanks, boilers or containers can be checked for deformations and the results are e. g. elevation plans and lists, the deformations can be
visualized by customizable 3D heat maps. It is possible to precisely compute volumes including taking the internal subtracted volume (deadwood) into account. Cylinders, elliptical and circular truncated cones are all supported.

PointSense Building: From 3D laser scanner data to 2D plans

PointSense Building: From 3D laser scanner data to 2D plans

Floor plans and sections from 3D laser scanner data

PointSense Building is the industry specific solution for fast and efficient processing of 3D laser scan data of existing architecture. The resulting floor plans, sections and elevations are produced directly in AutoCAD®. PointSense Building offers numerous tools for the management of point cloud data and for the efficient drawing of well designed plans.

Drawing 2D plans from 3D scanner data

A powerful section manager divides point clouds into processing relevant sub-regions in the form of polygon-shaped or thin slices. The sections can be hidden and displayed, joined, inverted or also individually exported. Slices are especially suited for generating floor plans and elevations at any desired position. Interfering objects such as trees or furniture can be quickly cut out by using polygonal sections.

Automatic drawing of walls, floors, profile runs and ceiling forms

PointSense Building supplements AutoCAD® with useful tools to create 2D plans from 3D laser scanner data. With the SmartSnap function planes, corners or edges are directly snapped in a point cloud and the Fit Profile feature fits 3D profiles along a point cloud. Line/polygon fitting tools to efficiently and precisely create walls, floors and ceiling runs. Powerful fitting algorithms determine the best line run in point cloud layers, optionally with constrained perpendicularity.

Special commands for building surveying to save time

Special commands for doors, windows, stairs, alcoves or pillars speed up the drawing of building plans. For example, just a small number of clicks are sufficient to create doors and the typical building plan type dimensioning is automatically created at the same time.

Trace the CAD plan from the orthoimage

PointSense creates ortho images in any direction from the point cloud. These photo like raster images display all objects true to scale and parallel to the projection plane. The orthoimage can be used as an image plan or overlaid with CAD objects and dimensioned.

Structured room schedules

In addition to the CAD drawing, a list of floor areas can be created simultaneously. Room polygons and additional spatial information are managed in a clear and freely customizable tree structure. At the press of a button the polygons are created, surface areas are calculated and the room information is labelled. Visualizations (e.g. different room hatches for each type of room usage) are similarly automatically created. The area data can be exported in different ways, e.g. to text tables or directly to databases (for example to a CAFM system).

PointSense Heritage: High resolution documentation of historical buildings and archaeological sites

PointSense Heritage: High resolution documentation of historical buildings and archaeological sites

High-tech documentation in AutoCAD® of historical buildings and archaeological sites

PointSense Heritage makes functions available for laser scanner data originating from the documentation of built heritage conservation and archaeological excavations (such as image plans, floor plans, sections and 3D models, etc.), and where applicable photo like results, can also be generated. This combination of laser scanning and photogrammetry offers interesting possibilities together with the possibility of high definition and precise results directly inside the AutoCAD® environment.

Additional scan views

The additional single scan view offered by PointSense produces a photo-like clear picture of the individual scans and allows a significantly more intuitive navigation of the scan data than as in the depiction of the point cloud. The unintentional snapping of underlying points is not possible in this view.

Fast construction of 3D models

PointSense Heritage extends AutoCAD® by adding photogrammetric functions. High definition, oriented photos support the processing of the laser scanner data and allow the fast construction of 3D wireframe models and surfaces. The photos from commercially available digital cameras are oriented and embedded into the drawing. The geometric objects drawn over these photos are placed automatically in the correct place in the point cloud.

Classical Photogrammetry in AutoCAD®

Identical points existing in at least two photos taken from different positions can be used for the calculation of the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of the camera and the alignment of the images within 3D space. Using this alignment, PointSense Heritage is able to calculate the 3D coordinates of any identical point within the images. Therefore, it is possible to conveniently carry out modelling in space without having to use laser scanner data.

Create real orthophotos

True orthophotos are computed through the combination of point clouds and photos and can be used as the basis for image plans. In the computation, the point cloud provides the precise surface information while the colour information used in the image produced is gained from the photos. True orthophotos usually have a higher resolution and so a better visual quality than the orthophotos produced solely from point cloud data.

Unrolled image plans

By unrolling point clouds and photos of towers, vaulted ceilings, ceiling paintings, facades, roofs, etc. detailed, true to scale image plans can be generated, that can be additionally supplemented with further CAD information and dimensioning.

PointSense Pro: 3D laser scan data within AutoCAD<sup>®</sup>

PointSense Pro: 3D laser scan data within AutoCAD®

Management of point clouds within AutoCAD®

The Section Manager is a straight-forward tool designed for managing and controlling how point cloud sections are displayed. These sections can be selected or generated automatically; either parallel to a UCS (user coordinate system) or along a designated path. For fast processing, new point cloud sections can be created from existing ones with just one click, by merging or inverting them. Thus, for example trees that obscure façades can be clipped out without losing points on the building.

Evaluating the 3D scan data

PointSense Pro adds useful tools for modelling and analyzing 3D laser scan data in AutoCAD®. Geometric objects such as polylines, planes and cylinders can be automatically fitted to parts of the point clouds. A spatial joining of these objects produces corners, edges and peaks. By fitting polygons and lines to point cloud slices layout plans and elevations can be created quickly. Furthermore, newly designed objects can be analyzed for clashes with existing objects represented by the scans. Tools for deformation analysis are also provided.

Additional scan views

The additional single scan view of PointSense provides a clear photo-like image of the single scans and allows a much more intuitive navigation than the one inside of point clouds. The unintentional snapping background points is not possible in this view.

Orthoimages of a point cloud

The user can create orthoimages of the point cloud from any desired direction. In the resulting raster image all objects that are parallel to the projection plane are to scale. In this way the orthoimage can be used as image plan and if needed combined with AutoCAD® vector graphics and supplemented with dimensions.

PointSense for AutoCAD® Minimum Requirements
Platform PointSense Plant is compatible with AutoCAD® and its associated products  (e.g. Civil 3D, Architecture, Map 3D) for versions 2015 and later.
Should you be using older Autodesk products, please contact your FARO representative.
Operating system Dependent on the version of AutoCAD® being used, 64-bit systems only.
Hardware requirements Graphics card as recommended by Autodesk, RAM at least 8GB, better 32GB or more, processor at least 2.5GHz, better 3-4GHz and 4-8 cores, SSD for larger projects;
Laser scanner type to suit job in hand
Data requirements Registered, that is to say the scans are oriented to each other
Supported scan data formats E57, ASCII, LAS, FARO (LSPROJ, FLS, FWS), Leica (PTZ, PTS, PTX), Zoller&Fröhlich (ZFS, ZFPRJ), Topcon (CL3, CLR) Leica (PTG) and Riegl RiScanPro-Projects (RSP).
PointSense for Revit
Operating system Microsoft® operating system, Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or 10 in the 64-bit version.
Hardware requirements Autodesk recommends a multi-core Intel® Xeon®, or an i-Series processor, or the AMD® equivalent with 16 GB RAM and DirectX® 11 compatible graphics card and SSD (Solid State Drive) hard disk with at least 5 GB of free memory.
Supported Revit® Versions Revit® 2015 or later.



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