DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2023

200.00 $

PowerFactory 2023 is a leading power system analysis software application for use in analysing generation, transmission, distribution and industrial systems. It covers the full range of functionality from standard features to highly sophisticated and advanced applications including windpower, distributed generation, real-time simulation and performance monitoring for system testing and supervision. PowerFactory is easy to use, fully Windows compatible and combines reliable and flexible system modelling capabilities with state-of-the-art algorithms and a unique database concept. Also, with its flexibility for scripting and interfacing, PowerFactory is perfectly suited to highly automated and integrated solutions in your business applications.


As every year, DIgSILENT released a new major version of PowerFactory. PowerFactory 2023 comes with a variety of new and enhanced features and equipment models. A few highlights we want to present in this video:

Power Transmission

The transmission grid is currently undergoing a major change to reliably accommodate increasing amounts of nondispatchable resources. PowerFactory offers a complete suite of functions for studying large interconnected power systems and addressing  new challenges and emerging needs.

While maintaining operational efficiency and system-wide cost. The displacement of less flexible base-load generation by asynchronous wind and solar power generators imposes new challenges on the ability of the grid to maintain system stability.

PowerFactory offers a complete suite of functions for studying large interconnected power systems and addressing these emerging needs. Its fast and robust simulation algorithms can be applied to any AC or DC network topology and support the simulation of new technologies such as converter-based power generation, FACTS, voltage-sourced converters (VSC), HVDC cables and overhead lines, DC breakers, filters, and various types of MW- and Mvar-controllers and virtual power plants.

PowerFactory is also perfectly suited to transmission system operation planning. It integrates a comprehensive set of tools to support automatic and parallel grid safety analysis such as ENTSO-E D2CF/DACF/IDCF, and outage planning. Multiple interfaces (API, DGS, CIM) and flexible scripting languages (DPL, Python) enable smooth integration with existing systems.

Power Distribution

Different phasing technologies, such as single-wire earth return, twophase, bi-phase or classical three-phase systems, have created a need for multi-phase distribution power system modelling. PowerFactory provides comprehensive modelling features for studying all kinds of electrical networks.

PowerFactory provides comprehensive modelling features for studying all kinds of electrical networks with different phasing technologies, meshed or radial topologies and railway supply systems connected to public distribution systems.

In order to reduce network unbalance, improve quality of supply and optimise distribution networks, PowerFactory offers a large variety of functions, such as multi-phase load fl ow analysis, short-circuit analysis (IEC 60909, ANSI C37 and multiple fault analysis), harmonic analysis, quasi dynamic simulation, optimal power restoration and reliability assessment. Other standard features include the modelling of distributed generation and virtual power plants, voltage drop analysis, consideration of LV load diversity, daily load and generation profi les and easy-to-use protection coordination functionality.

Other important aspects
  • Probabilistic analysis with stochastic modelling of distributed generation and load consumption
  • Tie open point optimisation
  • Optimal capacitor placement
  • Voltage profile optimisation for bi-directional power flows
  • Geographic diagrams (GPS-based) with background maps
  • GIS and SCADA integration

Industrial Systems

To ensure continuity of production and the safety of personnel, the proper operation of industrial networks is of utmost importance. PowerFactory offers a vast array of functionality perfectly suited to the industrial user’s needs.

With high precision load fl ow algorithms, fl exible short-circuit calculation features, 4-wire modelling, protection system modelling, harmonic analysis and fi lter design options, PowerFactory offers a vast array of functionality perfectly suited to the industrial user’s needs. In addition, PowerFactory provides calculation accuracy, appropriate standards, clearly presented results, and a comprehensive and user-friendly interface.

Typically required studies include

  • Analysis of voltage drop and transformer and generator regulation using load flow functionality
  • Short-circuit calculations according to IEC, ANSI and VDE standards
  • HV & LV cable sizing according to IEC, NF and BS standards; ampacity, voltage drop, short-circuit capability
  • Motor starting, re-acceleration and voltage drop analysis
  • Protection scheme coordination (overcurrent, differential, distance and signalling)
  • Harmonic distortion and resonance studies; fi lter sizing
  • Network reliability analysis, scenarios and fault models
  • Time domain simulation for stability analysis and examination of electromagnetic transients

Power Generation

Reliability and efficiency are mandatory properties of a power plant as it represents the core of any power system. PowerFactory offers excellent tools for analysing all power generation components.

PowerFactory offers tools for analysing all power generation components.

PowerFactory Capabilities

  • Models of generators, governors (steam, gas, diesel, water), automatic voltage regulators (AVRs) and power system stabilisers (PSSs)
  • Voltage dependent PQ capability curves
  • Models of motors, protection relays, power electronic converters and DC equipment
  • Calculation of short-circuit currents
    • in AC grids according to IEC 60909 (VDE 0102, incl. 2016 edition) and ANSI
    • in DC auxiliary supply grids according to IEC 61660 and ANSI/IEEE 946
  • Stability and EMT simulation
    • Behaviour during short-circuits and load changes
    • Frequency control
    • Transient stability
    • Sub-synchronous resonances
    • Transformer inrush
  • Model frequency response analysis (Bode and Nyquist Diagrams)
  • Interface for real-time measurement data from DIgSILENT monitoring system PFM for online grid code compliance supervision or model validation

Distributed Generation

Power system phenomena such as reverse power flows, voltage dips and swells, varying fault levels and equipment loading are some of the challenges arising from distributed generation in electricity systems.

Of particular note are the challenges of forecasting renewable energy generation with respect to the transfer capacity of distribution feeders under increasing deployment of smart grid technologies such as smart meters, demand side management and storage options.

PowerFactory is perfectly suited for the analysis of these challenges. It combines classical distribution system study functions such as voltage drop/rise calculation, unbalanced network assessment, short-circuit current calculation (including IEC 60909:2016) and protection selectivity analysis with modern analysis tools featuring quasi-dynamic simulations, voltage plan optimisation, stochastic assessment with probabilistic load flow or reliability analysis, and power quality assessment.

The comprehensive model library in PowerFactory provides users with the ability to use ready-made objects for single and three-phase loads, consumption energy profiles, generators and converters, PV cells featuring integrated power calculation based on solar radiation, fuel cells, wind generators, micro-turbines and battery storage, etc. as well as dynamic models (e.g. WECC PVD1).


PowerFactory provides all  the necessary functionality to conduct complex studies for the integration of renewable generation into distribution, transmission and industrial networks, which is nowadays one of the key issues in  network planning and analysis.

Complex studies for the integration of renewable generation into electrical networks are one of the key issues of nowadays network planning and analysis. PowerFactory combines extensive modelling capabilities with advanced solution algorithms, thereby providing the analyst with tools to undertake the full range of studies required for grid connection and grid impact analysis of wind parks, photovoltaic (PV) plants and all other kind of power park modules using renewable energies:

  • Steady-state load flow calculations considering voltage-dependent reactive power capability limits, power park controllers with setpoint characteristics, etc.
  • Short-circuit calculation acc. to IEC 60909 (incl. 2016 edition) and ANSI, and complete method with dynamic voltage support acc. to k-factor settings
  • Power quality assessment according to IEC 61400-21, plus capability to consider frequency-dependent Norton equivalents
  • Balanced and unbalanced stability and EMT analysis
  • Models for all established generator/converter types, controlled shunts and STATCOMs
  • Dynamic models acc. to IEC 61400-27-1 and WECC
  • Stochastic wind models and probablistic analysis tools
  • Model frequency response analysis (Bode and Nyquist Diagrams)
  • Interface for real-time measurement data from DIgSILENT monitoring system PFM for online grid code compliance supervision or model validation


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