Metrolog X4 V9 GA crack

135.00 $

Make 3D inspection more powerful with Metrolog X4
Real performance accelerator for your 3D measuring devices, Metrolog X4 is the latest evolution of the famous 3D inspection software Metrolog XG.
The new Metrolog X4 architecture is designed not only to benefit from current computer and OS technologies (Windows 64-bit, and multiprocessor PCs) that significantly increase the performances and throughput of your Metrology software, but is also aimed at simplifying your day-to-day measurement work. Metrolog X4 is a perfect Point Cloud software able to analyze large data size.
Solution Metrolog X4 embedded into Catia V5 is also released  “Metrolog X4 V5“. This solution brings numerous improvements with a new interface and higher performance.
Metrolog X4 is designed for demanding industrial, looking for a simple, safe, efficient and perennial solution for their quality control departments.


For increased performance and process reliability.
Metrolog X4’s 64-bit architecture increases the amount of available memory. This improves performance, especially when inspecting large volumes. The new architecture furthermore provides full support for multi-core processors.
• The new software architecture brings two main advantages:
• The ability to increase the file size handling significantly for:
-> CAD files import and manipulation
-> Point cloud import or acquisition
• The ability to significantly reduce conversion and projection time while using large data sets (CAD files, Point clouds…).
Native 64-bit application, multi-core and multi-task enabled: Metrolog X4 is ready for the future!

• Compatible with all portable devices
• Arms, laser trackers & P.O.D. systems
• All brands supported
• Multi-connection
• On the fly switching between measuring devices

• User-friendly graphical interface and fully customisable to suit the needs of the operator, the machine types and measurement types.
• New manual probing wizard.
• Automatic view orientation during acquisition.
• Multiple information windows (position and results).
• Software readily available in18 languages switchable on the fly.

• Dynamic links between the features
• Real-time impact on features upon update
• Large scale scenario supported: Bundle
-> Optimization taking 7 degrees of freedom into account
-> Consideration of device uncertainty (instruments network)

• All GD&T tolerances supported: ANSI & ISO
• Set easily geometrical tolerance
• New GD&T engine: enhanced performances
• Best in class reporting tools
• Report editor, customize any type of output: Wizard, report editor, direct export library
• Certified and well-known solution
• Certified algorithms by PTB and NIST
• Signed agreement with major actors in 3D inspection and PLM suppliers

• Metrolog X4 designed to process and analyse the largest and most dense point clouds.
• Metrolog X4 integrates the latest technology required for efficient optical measurement functions, ensuring that you have the best tool whatever the device used.
• Cloud comparison with CAD (Color Mapping).
• Element extraction and automated GD&T.
• Intuitive treatment of Flush and Gap.
• Measurement with compensation for material thickness.
• Part quality estimation according to the surface mm² (Area calculation).


Optimize your quality processes, secure your investments, measure more efficiently

Metrologic Group has built an international reputation in the 3D inspection solutions. It is the symbol of effective solutions and excellent service that combine to give the best inspection tools worldwide.
Today, Metrologic Group and its 3D measurement solution, Metrolog X4, rhyme with innovative solutions, extensive experience in metrology and comprehensive know-how, from hardware to software. Businesses in various sectors such as automotive, aerospace, construction and mold tooling, machinery, energy and medical, choose our solutions, leading to a more profitable and effective production.

Faster and efficient 3D inspection

Automated data input, plausibility checks, automatic geometrical shape recognition, storage of measurement scenarios, features database, advanced functionalities such as replication: Using Metrolog X4, you capitalize on an advanced technology and know-how for a still faster and efficient inspection.

Measure seamlessly the most complex geometries

Freeform geometries, such as turbine blades, axial or radial compressors are demanding and can not be satisfactorily addressed with standard methods. This is why Metrolog X4 provides special functions that allow a dedicated approach requiring little specific knowledge. Because they are integrated into the Metrolog X4 kernel, these advanced functionalities can be used together with the standard features.

A 3D inspection software that adapts to your requirements

The market is changing: Parts to be inspected are becoming increasingly complex, the time dedicated to inspection and quality control shortens, and the corrections must be integrated faster. The new means of measurement provide new opportunities in industrial metrology. All these factors generate new challenges. Metrolog X4 with its innovative features gives you the opportunity to take advantage of these changes for the benefit of your business.

A universal and multidisciplinary solution

As independent software editor, Metrologic Group offers the unique ability to connect Metrolog X4 to the vast majority of 3D measurement systems available on the market, tactile or optical. From poly-articulated portable arms up to laser trackers, through manual 3D scanners, manual CMMs and dynamic measurement modules, Metrolog X4 covers the entire spectrum of the profession, regardless of brand and type.
This advantage will allow you to connect to new measuring devices without changing the software. You can upgrade your base of machines as you need without worrying about compatibility with Metrolog X4. No long training sessions, exporting of your previous data. Simply plug-in and measure!

Our solutions link manufacturing to engineering

Metrologic Group is present wherever your customers in the automotive, aerospace, mechanical engineering, as well as in many other areas, manufacture their products. This is why we founded subsidiaries in major markets throughout Europe, North America and Asia.

Everything you need

Metrolog X4 combines within a common user interface 3D measurement functions, specific expert modules and an efficient report editor. This unique environment includes everything you need for successful 3D measurements. No need to juggle between two or more programs. This facilitates the use, provides more comfort and enhances the security of the measuring process.

A comprehensive range of services

Whether it’s for helping you set-up your measurement solutions, or for calibrating your measuring devices, Metrologic Group puts at your service a team of experienced technicians who will intervene quickly and effectively. Think about retrofitting your coordinate measuring machine, you will increase its performance at a very competitive price compared to purchasing new equipment.


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