HOMER Pro Version 3.11.2 Enterprise ALL MODULES cracked

160.00 $


The HOMER Pro microgrid software by HOMER Energy is the global standard for optimizing microgrid design in all sectors, from village power and island utilities to grid-connected campuses and military bases. Originally developed at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and enhanced and distributed by HOMER Energy, HOMER (Hybrid Optimization Model for Multiple Energy Resources) nests three powerful tools in one software product, so that engineering and economics work side by side:



  • Simulation

    At its core, HOMER is a simulation model. It will attempt to simulate a viable system for all possible combinations of the equipment that you wish to consider. Depending on how you set up your problem, HOMER may simulate hundreds or even thousands of systems.

    HOMER simulates the operation of a hybrid microgrid for an entire year, in time steps from one minute to one hour.

    HOMER Pro screenshot
  • Optimization

    HOMER examines all possible combinations of system types in a single run, and then sorts the systems according to the optimization variable of choice.

    HOMER Pro features our new optimization algorithm that significantly simplifies the design process for identifying least-cost options for microgrids or other distributed generation electrical power systems. HOMER Optimizer™ is a proprietary “derivative free” optimization algorithm that was designed specifically to work in HOMER.

    Learn more >>

    HOMER Optimizer


  • Sensitivity Analysis

    HOMER lets you ask as many “What if?” questions as you’d like, because you cannot control all aspects of a system, and you cannot know the importance of a particular variable or option without running hundreds or thousands of simulations and comparing the results.

    HOMER makes it easy to compare thousands of possibilities in a single run. This allows you to see the impact of variables that are beyond your control, such as wind speed, fuel costs, etc, and understand how the optimal system changes with these variations.

  • Simulation

    At its core, HOMER is a simulation model. It will attempt to simulate a viable system for all possible combinations of the equipment that you wish to consider. Depending on how you set up your problem, HOMER may simulate hundreds or even thousands of systems.

    HOMER simulates the operation of a hybrid microgrid for an entire year, in time steps from one minute to one hour.

    HOMER Pro screenshot


    HOMER examines all possible combinations of system types in a single run, and then sorts the systems according to the optimization variable of choice.

    HOMER Pro features our new optimization algorithm that significantly simplifies the design process for identifying least-cost options for microgrids or other distributed generation electrical power systems. HOMER Optimizer™ is a proprietary “derivative free” optimization algorithm that was designed specifically to work in HOMER.

    Learn more >>

    HOMER Optimizer

    Sensitivity Analysis

    HOMER lets you ask as many “What if?” questions as you’d like, because you cannot control all aspects of a system, and you cannot know the importance of a particular variable or option without running hundreds or thousands of simulations and comparing the results.

    HOMER makes it easy to compare thousands of possibilities in a single run. This allows you to see the impact of variables that are beyond your control, such as wind speed, fuel costs, etc, and understand how the optimal system changes with these variations.


    HOMER Pro can be customized with up to 9 individual modules to meet your specific modeling needs:

    • Biomass
    • Hydro
    • Combined Heat & Power
    • Advanced Load
    • Advanced Grid
    • Hydrogen
    • Advanced Storage
    • Multi-Year
    • MATLAB Link

    Power grid, electric vehicle, rooftop solar, wind turbine


HOMER Pro Modules

HOMER Pro can be supplemented with additional modules for even more powerful modeling capabilities. Offering individual modules for sale benefits our users in two ways:

  • It allows us to keep the price of the software affordable while greatly enhancing the product, and
  • It simplifies the interface — customers will not see features that they do not require.

Click on a module to learn more about its features:


Allows users to model biomass gasification and biogas-fueled or cofired generators. It adds the biomass resource, the biogas fuel, and the biogas-fueled or biogas cofired generator.


Adds the hydro resource and the hydro component. Users can specify the stream flow in the Hydro resource, either as monthly values or as an imported time series. Ideal for systems that include conventional, small, or micro hydroelectricity generation.

Combined Heat and Power

For users who model building heating systems. Types of systems could include boilers, cogeneration, heat recovery, and any system that demands or supplies heat energy.

Advanced Load

Users who create models with both AC and DC loads, or who want to model deferrable loads such as pumping or HVAC, should use the Advanced Load module.

Advanced Grid

For users who will model grid-connected systems with varying grid prices, detailed grid specification, or off-grid systems where grid extension is a possibility.


Allows users to model systems that generate, store, and consume hydrogen. It is ideal for users who model fuel cells, remote off-grid operations, large industrial processes, or any system with hydrogen production, storage, or consumption.

Advanced Storage

Unlocks the Modified Kinetic Battery Model (MKBM) in HOMER. The MKBM includes rate-dependent losses, changes in capacity with temperature, variable depth-of-discharge for cycle life, and increased degradation rate at higher temperatures.

Allows users to model changes that can occur over the course of a project, such as PV degradation, grid price escalation, load growth, and fuel price escalation.

Allows users to write their own dispatch algorithm in MATLAB, which will integrate with the HOMER Pro software.


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